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Product Introduction

With this payment method, the customer uses his mobile phone to scan the QR code displayed by the merchant. This payment method is mainly used by Chinese customers who shop in overseas stores. Merchants can integrate this payment method into their cashier system to improve user experience by providing them with the familiar and comfortable payment method, as well as to facilitate payment, foreign exchange and settlement for both merchants and customers. After integration, an Alipay payment collection button is added to the cashier system/software.

  • The cashier clicks the payment collection button, and then a QR code is displayed.

  • The customer needs to open Alipay app to scan this QR code to complete payment.

  • Meanwhile, HipoPay will inform the merchant about the payment result via an asynchronous notification, which features a reliable built-in retry mechanism.

Payment Process and User Experience

  1. The merchant clicks the Alipay payment collection button:

  2. A payment collection code is generated:

  1. The customer opens Alipay app to scan the QR code to complete payment:

Integration Process

  1. Process digital signature

  2. Integrate with order placement API

  3. Receive asynchronous notification

  4. Integrate with refund API

Digital Signature

Unless otherwise stated, all APIs require the siginature for HipoPay to confirm the identity of the user.。

HipoPay SDK has processed signature and signature verification and thus integration can be accelerated.

Python SDK




If it is not convenient to usd the SDK, perform the following steps to process signature.

I. Generate the private key and the public key.

  • Private Key

Purpose: It performs paramter signing when the client requests the API.

Storage: Please keep it safe and properly. Do not reveal it to others.

Locally generated private key: openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048

  • Public Key

Purpose: It is used for signature verification by HipoPay.

Storage: Please send it to HipoPay.

Locally generated public key: openssl rsa -pubout -in private.key -out public.key

II. Generate to-be-signed string.

  1. Arrange the request parameters (query string of the GET request and form of the POST request) by parameter names based on the ASCII code in ascending lexicographical order, and use the URL key pair format (key1=value1&key2=value2…) to generate a signature string.

  2. Append Timestamp to the signature string and separate them with a , to generate a to-be-signed string.

III. Generate the signature.

  1. Encrypt the to-be-signed string by using RSA. Specify SHA256 as Hash algorithm, and use the private key in the key pair submitted when the service is requested.

  2. Code the encryption result by using base64 to generate the final signature result.

IIII. Add the request header.

When the merchant sends the request, add the following four paramters in the header.

Header Parameter Description Generation Method
MerchantNO Merchant No. Allocated by HipoPay
Version API version No. Fixed value 1.0
Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp as described in step II. 2
Signature API signature Result generated in step III. 4

When receiving HipoPay asynchronous notification, the merchant should verify the signature to confirm that the notification is sent by HipoPay and is intact. The signature verification method is as follows:

Signature verification method:

  1. Arrange the returned contents corrsponding to form of the POST request by parameter names based on the ASCII code in ascending lexicographical order, and use the URL key pair format (key1=value1&key2=value2…) to generate a signature string.

  2. Append the Timestamp value in the header of the POSTrequest to the signature string and separate them with a ,to get the query_string.

  3. Verify the query_string and the Signature value in the header of the POST request by using SHA-256. Contact HipoPay to obtain the public key.

API List

  • Mainland Wallet: Bank account with currency of CNY binded on Wechat/Alipay

  • HongKong Wallet: Bank account with currency of HKD binded on Wechat/Alipay

Place an Order

Place an Order

  • Request Parameter
Field Type Required Description Example Value
out_trade_id string Y Merchant transaction No. “201901021232211023”
amount string Y Amount of the payment order, to two decimal places at most. For JPY and KRW, the currency units are Japanese Yen and Korean Won respectively, without decimal places. “8.88”
currency string Y Currency of the payment order. For details, see currency code. “HKD”
product_info string Y Product information “Hipopay - product for test”
client_ip string Y IP address of the client “”
hk_wallet string N Whether to use AlipayHK wallet. Optional values are "TRUE" and "FALSE". The default value is “FALSE”. “FALSE”
notify_url string N URL of the asynchronous notification
  • Response Data
Field Required Description
is_success Y Whether the service request is successful. Optional values are True and False.
response N Service response data. It is returned when is_success=True.
error N Service error code. It is returned when is_success=False. For details, see Error Code below.
error_message N Service error description. It is returned when is_success=False.

When is_success=True, response contains the following fields:

Field Required Description
amount Y Amount of the payment order
currency Y Currency of the payment order. For details, see currency code.
exchange_rate N Exchange rate adopted for settlement. It is returned when the payment order status is PAID.
finish_time N Time when payment is completed. It is returned when the payment order status is PAID.
out_trade_id Y Merchant transaction No.
payment_no Y Payment order No.
status Y Payment order status
product_info Y Product information
trade_time Y Time when transaction is created
trade_type Y Payment method
qrcode_url Y QR code information. Merchants need to generate the QR code by themselves according to qrcode_url.
  • Error Code
Error Code Meaning
FOREX_MERCHANT_NOT_SUPPORT_THIS_CURRENCY This currency is not supported.
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE This encryption method is not supported.
Response(JSON) success
    "is_success": True,
    "response": {
        "amount": "0.10",
        "currency": "HKD", 
        "exchange_rate": "0.881890",
        "out_trade_id": "d2849e8140a6",
        "payment_no": "2018081316331654230251111",
        "status": "INIT",
        "product_info": "Alipay QRCODE Pay",
        "trade_time": "2018-08-13 16:33:16",
        "finish_time": "2018-08-13 16:33:16",
        "trade_type": "NATIVE",
        "qrcode_url": "", 
Response(JSON) failed
    "is_success": False,
    "error_message" : "This currency is not supported",

Check Payment Order

Check Payment Order

  • .Request Parameter:
Field Type Required Description Example Value
payment_no string N Payment order No. “2019062231224380479532988”
out_trade_id string N Merchant transaction No. “2746847384112837273872”


**You can check order information by payment_no or out_trade_id, which cannot be both null at the same time.

  • .Response Data:
Field Required Description
is_success Y Whether the service request is successful. Optional values are True and False.
response N Service response data. It is returned when is_success=True.
error N Service error code. It is returned when is_success=False. For details, see Error Code below.
error_message N Service error description. It is returned when is_success=False.

When is_success=True, response contains the following fields:

Field Required Description
amount Y Amount of the payment order
currency Y Currency of the payment order. For details, see currency code.
exchange_rate Y Exchange rate
out_trade_id Y Merchant transaction No.
payment_no Y Payment order No.
status Y Payment order status
product_info Y Product information
trade_time Y Time when transaction is created
trade_type Y Payment method
  • Error Code:
Error Code Meaning
PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND Order not found
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE This encryption method is not supported.
Response(JSON) success
    "is_success": True,
    "response": {
        "amount": "0.02",
        "currency": "HKD",
        "exchange_rate": "0.881890",
        "out_trade_id": "2746847384112837273872",
        "payment_no": "2018071823332342210483065",
        "status": "PAID",
        "product_info": "Alipay App Pay",
        "trade_time": "2018-07-18 23:33:23",
        "trade_type": "APP",
Response(JSON) failed
    "is_success": False,
    "error": "PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND",
    "error_message" : "Order not found",

Check Exchange Rate

Check Exchange Rate


The reference exchange rate (target currency / CNY) is returned. The actual rate should be the live exchange rate when transaction occurs.

  • Request Parameter
Field Type Required Description Example Value
currency string Y Currency “USD”
  • Response Data
Field Required Description
is_success Y Whether the service request is successful. Optional values are True and False.
response N Service response data. It is returned when is_success=True.
error N Service error code. It is returned when is_success=False. For details, see Error Code below.
error_message N Service error description. It is returned when is_success=False.

When is_success=True, response contains the following fields:

Field Required Description
currency Y Currency of the payment order. For details, see currency code.
forex_rate Y Exchange rate
  • Error Code
Error Code Meaning
CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT This currency is not supported.
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE This encryption method is not supported.
Response(JSON) success
  "is_success": true,
  "response": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "forex_rate": "0.1488471786017296042153520980"
Response(JSON) failed
    "is_success": False,
    "error": "CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT",
    "error_message" : "This currency is not supported",

Payment Notification

Payment Notification

After the customer pays successfully, HipoPay will send a POST request to the notify_url specified in the order information. If the successful response (‘success’) is not received, HipoPay will send the request for another 10 times at most at the interval of 1s / 2s / 4s / 8s / 60s / 60s / 60s / 600s / 600s / 1800s respectively until the successful response is received.


  • It is an asynchronous notification. A same notification might be sent to the merchant system for several times. The merchant system must be able to process repeated notification properly.

  • The best practices for dealing with such case: when a notification is received and processed, the enclosed payment data should be checked first to confirm whether the payment result has previously been processed or not. If so, return the processed result; if no, proceed with processing the result first before returning. Before checking the payment data, a transaction lock shall be used for concurrency to prevent data corruption caused by transaction race conditions.

  • Fields in the notification:
Field Required Description
status Y PAID: payment successful. Note: it is notified only when payment is successful.
trade_type Y Payment method
exchange_rate Y Exchange rate adopted for settlement
payment_no Y Payment order No.
currency Y Pricing currency of the payment order. For details, see currency code.
settle_currency Y Settlement currency of the payment order. For details, see currency code.
amount Y Amount of the payment order
trade_time Y Time when transaction is created
finish_time Y Time when payment is completed
pay_currency Y Payment currency. For details, see currency code.
pay_amount Y Payment amount
out_trade_id Y Merchant transaction No.


If add response_version = 3.0 while request payment notify will add params below

Field Description For example
pay_rate rate between payment currency and price currency
pay_rate_reversed 1 / pay_rate
bank_type 银行类型
promotion_detail activity_id activity ID 931386
name promotion name coupon-6
amount promotion amount 1
promotion_id coupon ID 109519
scope promotion scope GLOBAL; SINGLE
type promotion type COUPON;DISCOUNT

Public Key of SandBox ENV for callbackDownload

Public Key of Prod ENV for callbackDownload



  • .Request Parameter
Field Type Required Description Example Value
payment_no string Y Payment order No. “201901021232211023”
out_refund_id string Y External refund order No. “R201901021232213”
refund_amount string N Refund amount. If this parameter is transferred, multiple refunds can be initiated, but the total refund amount cannot exceed the order amount. If this parameter is not transferred, the full order amount will be refunded. “8.88”
  • .Response Data
Field Required Description
is_success Y Whether the service request is successful. Optional values are True and False.
response N Service response data. It is returned when is_success=True.
error N Service error code. It is returned when is_success=False. For details, see Error Code below.
error_message N Service error description. It is returned when is_success=False.

When is_success=True, response contains the following fields:

Field Required Description
refund_no Y Refund order No.
status Y Refund order status
refund_amount Y Refund amount
payment_no Y Payment order No.
out_refund_id Y External refund order No.
finish_time N Refund completion time (refund successful)/Refund form creation time (refund unsuccessful)
  • Error Code
Error Code Meaning
REFUND_AMOUNT_INVALID Refund amount is invalid.
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE This encryption method is not supported.
Response(JSON) success
  "is_success": true,
  "response": {
    "fail_message": "Settled Balance Not Enough",
    "finish_time": "2021-12-23 16:42:34",
    "out_refund_id": "R201901021232213",
    "payment_no": "2637473637382",
    "refund_amount": "8.88",
    "refund_no": "2637473637452",
    "result_code": "0011",
    "status": "FAIL"
  "return_message": "OK"
Response(JSON) failed
    "is_success": False,
    "error_message" : "Refund amount is invalid",

Check Refund

Check Refund

  • Request Parameter
Field Type Required Description Example Value
refund_no string N Refund order No. refund_no and out_refund_id cannot be both null at the same time. “20192637473637452”
out_refund_id string N External refund order No. out_refund_id and refund_no cannot be both null at the same time. “R2019263747363”
  • Response Data
Field Required Description
is_success Y Whether the service request is successful. Optional values are True and False.
response N Service response data. It is returned when is_success=True.
error N Service error code. It is returned when is_success=False. For details, see Error Code below.
error_message N Service error description. It is returned when is_success=False.

When is_success=True, response contains the following fields:

Field Required Description
refund_no Y Refund order No.
out_refund_id Y External refund order No.
status Y Refund order status
refund_amount Y Refund amount
payment_no Y Payment order No.
finish_time N Refund completion time (refund successful)/Refund form creation time (refund unsuccessful)
  • Error Code
Error Code Meaning
REFUND_NOT_FOUND Refund order not found
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE This encryption method is not supported.
Response(JSON) success
  "is_success": true,
  "response": {
    "finish_time": "2021-12-23 19:22:14",
    "out_refund_id": "R201637473637452",
    "payment_no": "2637473637382",
    "refund_amount": "8.88",
    "refund_no": "2637473637452",
    "result_code": "0000",
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  "return_message": "OK"
Response(JSON) failed
    "is_success": False,
    "error": "REFUND_NOT_FOUND",
    "error_message" : "Refund order not found",

Export Reconciliation Report

Export Reconciliation Report

  • Request Parameter

Specify the Version field in the header of this API to 3.0.

Field Type Required Description Example Value
merchant_no string Y Merchant No. HPXXXXX
start_date string Y Start time 20190101
end_date string Y End time 20190301
  • Response Data This API can query the records of the recent three months. A txt file will be returned.
  • Format of the returnd data is as follows (slide left and right to view all fields):
Test: company's reconciliation report of 20190101 to 20190120
Transaction Type,Transaction Time,Order No.,External order No.,Credit,Debit,Balance,Transaction Amount,Exchange Rate Adopted for Settlement,Service Fee,Refund Amount,Refund Order,External Refund Order No.,Fee for Withdrawal,Converted Currency,Exchange Rate Adopted for Conversion,Amount After Conversion,Payment Channel
Collection via WeChat Pay,2019-01-02 10:55:10,`2019010210551024660612990,`13260056057_wechat_1546397710000,0.99 HKD,-,1.06 HKD,1.00 HKD,1,0.01 HKD,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,WECHATPAYCN
Collection via WeChat Pay,2019-01-02 11:07:05,`2019010211070452703917004,`13260056057_wechat_1546398424000,0.99 HKD,-,2.05 HKD,1.00 HKD,1,0.00 HKD,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,WECHATPAYCN
Refund,2019-01-04 10:50:34,`2019010410503295208356067,`,-,-0.99 HKD,1.06 HKD,-,-,-,1.00 HKD,`2019010211070452703917004,`13260056057_wechat_1546398424000,-,-,-,-,WECHATPAYCN

Currency Code

Currency 3-Character Code
Chinese Yuan CNY
Great Britain Pound GBP
Hong Kong Dollar HKD
US Dollar USD
Japanese Yen JPY
Canadian Dollar CAD
Australian Dollar AUD
Euro EUR
New Zealand Dollar NZD
Korean Won KRW
Thai Baht THB

Payment Order Status

Status Code Description
INIT Payment order has been created
PAID Payment successful
FAIL Payment failed
USERPAYING Waiting for payment

Refund Status

Status Code Description
SUCCESS Refund successful
FAIL Refund failed

Refund Code

code message Description
0000 Refund Processing
0001 Refund xxxxxxxx Already Exists.
0002 payment xxxxxxxxxx Not Found.
0003 Refund currency error.
0004 Payment not paid yet.
0005 Payment not credited yet.
0006 Payment full refunded.
0007 payment settle_forex rate is -0.1
0008 Payment refundable not enough.
0009 refund amount must more than zero.
0010 merchant has not HKD balance.
0011 Settled Balance not enough.
0012 Unsettled Balance not enough.
0013 Refund xxxxx Invalid
0101 NOTENOUGH merchant balance not enough for refunding
0102 USER_ACCOUNT_ABNORMAL User account signed out
0104 BIZERR_NEED_RETRY Need retry
0105 TRADE_OVERDUE payment expeired
0106 ERROR Channel Error
0107 INVALID_REQ_TOO_MUCH invalid request too much
0108 INVALID_TRANSACTIONID invalid transaction_id
0109 PARAM_ERROR param error
0110 APPID_NOT_EXIST appid not exist
0111 MCHID_NOT_EXIST mchid not exist
0112 ORDERNOTEXIST payment not exist
0119 REFUND_FEE_MISMATCH double request different amount
0120 INVALID_REQUEST param error
0121 ORDER_NOT_READY payment processing ,try later
0199 SYSYTEM_ERROR wechatpay unknown error
0299 SYSYTEM_ERROR alipay unknow error

Generated by HipoPay  on 28 Dec 2021